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Networking with Windows Server 2016

By July 11, 2022November 2nd, 2023No Comments

This 5-day classroom-based course provides the fundamental networking skills required to deploy and support Windows Server 2016 in most organizations. It covers IP fundamentals, remote access technologies, and more advanced content including software-defined networking. This course is intended for existing IT professionals who have some networking knowledge and experience and are looking for a single course that provides insight into core and advanced networking technologies in Windows Server 2016. In this course, you will learn the fundamental networking skills required to deploy and support Windows Server 2016 in most organizations.

• Implement the coexistence between IPv4 and IPv6 networks. • Transition from an IPv4 network to an IPv6 network. The Windows Insider program is one of the older projects of its type and recently celebrated its ninth anniversary.

Special Features

No matter how you prefer to receive the training, you can count on The Academy for an engaging and effective learning experience. • Implement DirectAccess by using the Getting Started Wizard. • Implement and manage an advanced DirectAccess infrastructure. • Describe the features and benefits of IPv6.

Microsoft Networking with Windows Server 2016 Lessons

• Describe the networking features and considerations for branch offices. • Implement BranchCache for branch offices. With several convenient training delivery methods offered, The Academy makes getting the training you need easy. Whether you prefer to learn in a classroom or an online live learning virtual environment, training videos hosted online, and private group classes hosted at your site. We offer expert instruction to individuals, government agencies, non-profits, and corporations. Our live classes, on-sites, and online training videos all feature certified instructors who teach a detailed curriculum and share their expertise and insights with trainees.

Networking with Windows Server 2016 (20741B)

You will review IP fundamentals, remote access technologies, and more advanced content including software-defined networking (SDN). This course provides you with the fundamental networking skills that you require to deploy and support Windows Server 2016 in most organizations. It covers IP fundamentals, remote-access technologies, and more advanced content, including software-defined networking. Determine how to configure advanced networking features of Windows Server 2016. • Describe high-performance networking features in Windows Server 2016. • Configure advanced Hyper-V networking features.

Microsoft Networking with Windows Server 2016 Lessons

Headed first by Gabriel Aul then Dona Sarkar, the program is now led by Amanda Legowski. It has floundered in recent years, with members complaining about a distinct lack of exciting features to test during the Windows 11 era. • Manage and troubleshoot IPv4 network connectivity.

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